Comentarios de clientes

Desde 1999 miles de músicos de todo al mundo han elegido un Arcus como su arco principal.

Dado que la gran mayoría de nuestros arcos se venden a través de nuestros distribuidores, no conocemos a casi ninguno de estos músicos. Algunos de ellos también prefieren discreción cuando se trata de hablar del equipo que utilizan, y esto es algo que entendemos ya que lo realmente importante es el trabajo del músico. Aún así, bastantes músicos han decidido compartir su experiencia con Arcus durante años y estamos encantados de compartir estos comentarios con ustedes.

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Andrea Montalbano, Violin
I'm really impressed by the balance and the nice sound
Andreas Halsch, Cello
...excited by the fast response, their lightness and playability.
Andreas Kanev, Violin
It appears the Arcus has some unexpected teaching skills!
Andreas Müller, Cello
Consequently my bow technique has improved significantly
Andrew Victor, Violin
Some things felt so much easier...I felt like I was cheating
Andy Pastor, Violin
I’m enjoying the T8 everyday, I seem to be getting less sleep these days, playing the violin with your bow too late into the evening, loosing track of time enjoying the experience!
Anja Choquer, Cello
Not even through the long rehearsals of an orchestra weekend have I ever suffered from signs of fatigue in my arm.
Anne Akiko Meyers, Violin
I used to think that using a heavy stick produced a bigger sound but now I believe it really is quite the opposite.
Annika Stumpe, Violin
I don't call it "bow" any more, but "my magic wand".
Anselm Hauke, Bass
This is the best bow I have ever played!
Axel Ghazi, Cello
It feels to me like a new discovery of the bow.
Barry Guyer, Violin
...the improvement it makes to the sound is amazing
Bill Nolan, Violin
I frankly can't imagine a bow being better,...
Bink Williams, Violin
The Arcus is the best bow that I've ever played; my Coda has been retired.
Bjargey Birgisdóttir, Violin
Since using the Arcus S9 violin bow, my sound has improved immensely.
Byol Kang, Violin
without words
Camillo Lepido, Cello
I face orchestral life with less fatigue...
Catherine Whitwer, Violin
I purchased an Arcus P6 (violin) after trying about a dozen bows. This bow has lively handling and makes it easy to play the quick Celtic tunes that I love. The bow is very responsive and seems to play itself. The tone is warm and sweet, pulling the best sound from my bright instrument.
Ceciel Strouken, Cello
After struggling with neck pain and a sleepy left hand, what a relief with the M8! No more pain and no more annoying background noise. Thanks for the great advice and child-friendly support when trying out and buying.
Charles Strang, Violin
I sold my 'Voirin'.
Christian Zgraggen, Viola
I will sell all my wooden bows.
Christoph Goebel, Cello
Before I learned about the Arcus bows I thought new materials could never take over from the centuries old tradition of wooden bows...
Christoph Hackmüller, Violin
My golden A8* violin bow. In terms of sound: Big, beautiful, characterful sound!!! Trying it out showed that it was technically more demanding to play the A8* bow "beautifully" than the other ARCUS bows I have played. However, IF a player can deal with this, the reward (in the room and at the ear) is a dark, round, powerful and noble sound that can blend in, but also carries "soloistically"!
Clare Pusey, Cello
I am now doing a lot of electric cello work...
Collin Arneson, Violin
The sound of my S7 is miles past my very nice wood bow
Daniel L., Violin
Thanks to the Arcus S8 I am finally able to play without pain... even five hours are no longer a problem.
Dölf Weder, Cello
My original scepticism about carbon bows has given way to Arcus enthusiasm!
Dr. Christian Göpfert, Cello right shoulder is finally free of pain again,...
Dr. Klaus Moeckelmann, Viola
I especially appreciate how much power you can apply even at the tip, if necessary, or near the bridge,...
Dr. Michael B., Violin
...and the pain in my right shoulder is almost completely gone!
Dr. Michael Krauß, Violin
...the S8 plays in a totally different league of sound.
Dr. Tapani Yrjola, Violin
...but liked it so much that I started using the Arcus bow as my first bow instead of my French bow.
Elke Höppner, Cello
Well, the pain in my right wrist is gone, since I play with the Arcus bow.
Ensemble Pyramide, Ensembles
Since we string players use the Arcus bows,...
Ethan Heath, Viola
...somewhat to my surprise, it has become the bow I chose 99.9% of the time.
Eva Brönner, Cello
I have become totally addicted to the sound
Eva-Maria Dewes, Violin
The new bow (T6) is so fantastic, I am the happiest person in the world. It really helps me overcome my weaknesses and is like a cozy living room chair with rocket propulsion!
Fabian Müller, Bass
The selection shipment from ARCUS quickly showed me that the bows were in a different league in terms of response and handling.
Florian Mohr, Viola
With this bow I have no longer troubles with my wrist, not even after long Wagner-or Strauss operas.
Franck Leprince, Violin
I treated myself to one of these 20th Anniversary bows last December. I have to say, that it is terrific in every way. It helps with the most intricate bowing styles by making them feel easier to execute, and has enormous power, and really gets the best tone out of the instrument.
Frederic Moisan, Violin have to admit that you would have to pay a lot more for a pernambuco bow with similar qualities as my Arcus.
Frederick J Weiss, Bass
I always imagined a bow like this!
Gary Dixon, Bass
I found the Arcus bow to be superior in every manner of importance to the player...
Gene Wie, Violin
I wonder why I waited so long to try them again,...
Georg Kemetter, Violin
The bow responds faster than wooden bows. It allows me as an amateur to play more beautiful.
Greg Kehret, Bass
The bow handles with perfect predcitability and makes my bass sing most beautiful.
Günter Birett, Violin
Its lower weight compared to usual wooden bows improves my endurance and reduces fatigue significantly.
Harald Halsch, Bass
...provides the most relaxed playing.
Helmut Wagenmann, Cello
The clarity, projection, the timbre and the easy handling have convinced me completely.
Hessisches Staatsorchester, Ensembles
Already four members of the Hessisches Staatsorchester Wiesbaden play with Arcus bows.
Hideaki Takagi, Bass
My Arcus produces a very rich volume of sound as soon as I make a move!
Hitoshi Maezawa, Violin
The quality of a bow for string instruments can be defined mainly on how well it allows the player to gain full control over his performance. Arcus has this quality. In addition, Arcus bows offer “a new dimension” in sound, compared to most traditional wooden bows...the sound produced with an Arcus bow is quite like with an old Tourte.
Holger Kinzel, Violin
For Irish folk music the Arcus is perfect
Hugo Holleman, Violin
With the Arcus I achieve for the first time in my life the phrasing I had always meant to play.
Igor Epstein, Violin
Since I mainly play jazz and klezmer music and these types of music require very unusual bow techniques, I find the ARCUS bows to be the best I have ever used in my long stage and musician life.
Ilias Sakalak ( Athens State Orchestra- cellist), Cello
I am really glad with my S8 bow. It has a loooot of power and quality. Although it is light (69gr.), it’s has an extreme power for forte as well a gentle velvet sound for piano! To play from a piano to a subito forte is a piece of cake. It bounces extremely well on sautille... Well done Arcus! Thank you!!
Ilkka Vesioja, Cello
I feel that I have reached a higher level of playing...
Inessa Enakyi, Violin
I can already feel the improvement on the top notes! This is great!
Isabelle Faust, Violin
My Arcus allows me to play very powerful and still keeps a surprising subtleness and precision at the same time.
Jameson D Platte, Cello to an F.X. Tourte, a D. Peccatte and a Simon
Jan Willot-Förster, Violin
A unique balance between agility and power with a response that amazes.
Jessica, Cello
What a joy to be able to play again!! The pain disappeared completely, like blown away
Jim Fellows, Violin
Although there are other bows in their cases, the Arcus bow is the bow that is being used ALL the time by ALL of them!
Jim Fellows, Viola
So we have also bought Arcus Concerto bows for all of our 4 children...
Joe Fagan, Violin is by far the best bow I've ever tried including £10k pernambuco bows
Johannes Raab, Cello
These bows are brilliant!
John Addison, Cello
This is basically only possible by using an Arcus bow,...
John Briant, Violin
I bought my S4 about 2 months ago. It is very light and very stiff. This makes it very fast to move - fast notes and fast string crossings are great. It also responds very fast...
Jonas Erni, Violin
We have just played Symphony No. 8 from Anton Bruckner, and I was still completely relaxed afterwards!
Jonny Gee, Bass
My Arcus bow is perfect: delicate and light response, but with a huge fat power transmission ready to kick in whenever I need it.
Jooni Hwang, Violin "Ferrari bow".
Jörg Marquardt, Violin
After only half an hour my playing has improved much more than I would ever have expected.
Jörg Schuster, Cello about progress, beautiful sound, extreme durability and protecting nature.
Josep Galí, Cello
The ARCUS is definitely the best bow I have ever tried.
Joyce Reinholds, Cello
My work load seems to have been cut in half
Kai Hofert, Bass
What I especially appreciate in my "Concerto" bass bow is the full sound it draws...
Laura Jenkins, Cello
They are not making carbon-fibre tennis racquets to perform just like wooden tennis racquets...
Leonid Gorkhov, Cello
Within minutes of playing with an Arcus bow my opinion was changed
Liz Rose, Viola
As a violist who has experienced a lot of tendonitis a lightweight bow such as these is most welcomed.
Louis Fantasia, Bass
...and am almost pain-free.
Luis Garcia, Violin
Finally I understand what "a relaxed bow hand" means!
Mairead O'Friel-Murphy, Cello
My S5 cello bow really does feel like an extension of my right arm
Marcel D. Van Someren, Cello
...Under the ear, the T6 seemed to have richer overtones than the S6...
Marcello Iaconetti, Violin
Simply brilliant
Margie Leith, Violin
I am amazed at how easy it is to play with my new Arcus bow. Although I knew how light and agile it would be to handle, I didn't anticipate how steady the bow would be. Playing with it makes me think I'm a better performer, which in turn gives me the confidence to make me a better performer. Thank you, Arcus.
Maria Maddalena Main, Violin
With the S7 you can avoid to think about technical problems...
Mark Pellegrin, Cello
The Arcus S5 Octagonal was the final choice for me after reviewing several other models...for me the light weight and agility of the Arcus S5 was my choice. It gave me a richer sound with little effort. I am very satisfied with my choice...
Markus Protze, Viola
...I experience a completely new level in the ease of play and relaxation of the right Hand.
Marta Kletinitch, Violin
Triple chords can be played so nicely and the bow also helps greatly in avoiding unintentional "bow-vibrato"...
Martin Andersen, Viola
You obviously are continuing to develop the potential of the Arcus bows, and I am grateful for your successful efforts.
Martin Chamberlain, Cello
... and I feel like I have made great improvements to my playing with my new Arcus.
Martin Ebinger, Violin almost unlimited spectrum of sound colours.
Martin Welter, Violin
In regard of the beauty of tone the S9 bow is quite a bit ahead of the fine wooden bows that I own.
Martina Bertoni, Cello
Since the very beginning, I was struck by the incredible quality (brilliance and depth) in sound and response.
Mathias Kölling, Violin
The S9 has opened a new world for me.
Matthias Zeller, Violin
Now that I have done an intense exploration of carbon fibre bows, I want to share my results with everybody involved and interested.
Michael Benter, Bass
After a week I sold my wooden bow.
Michael Speth, Violin
...the first bow that I feel in total control of.
Michiel de Sterke, Violin
In the past I have played with beautiful old French bows, like Sartory and the like, but this bow is superb in quality.
Milena Wilke, Violin
Edouard Lalo - Violinkonzert Nr.2, op. 21 "Symphonie Espagnole" / Arcus M9
Nico Catacchio, Bass
the new S-series bows are… without words
Nigel Berry, Violin
Arcus bows are in a league of their own
Olivia de Burgh, Cello
The S9 is literally perfect
Oriol Sana, Violin
My Arcus bows are really essential in my tours
Orlando Faneite, Violin
...a perfect contact to the strings and an unmatched security which I have experienced neither in my F.N. Voirin nor in any other bow.
Patrick Manet, Bass
Great bow, I can't let it go!
Paul Carlson, Violin
The strokes were so clean and the response so instant that I needed to "recalibrate" my bowing technique.
Paul Fenton, Viola
The history of music is full of examples where a new technology has replaced an old one, simply because it was better.
Paul Hudspith, Cello
I had many right hand/arm issues - but since using an Arcus, I am now injury free!
Paula Hudspith, Cello
It is fun to play and my bow arm is not getting tired at all with this wonderful bow.
Pedro de Alcantara, Cello
I’ve never played better or sounded better; my cello is extremely happy; I’m extremely happy; my listeners are extremely happy. Legato, staccato, crescendo, diminuendo: perfect. Articulation, accents: perfect. String crossings: perfect. Special effects, ponticello: perfect. The feeling on the bow in my hand is wonderful, and the feeling of the bow on the string is wonderful.
Peter Anthopolos, Viola
Thank you for engineering a truly wonderful carbon viola bow!
Peter Barber, Viola
It's the best bow I have ever owned.
Peter Häseler, Bass
I am completely thrilled! [...] My intonation is much better now with the new bow, the tone is much "nicer" and I play things I was always a bit afraid of.
Peter Hörr, Cello
The Arcus Bow delivers the purest of sounds and seems to have unlimited playing capabilities!
Phil Coonce, Violin
I am delighted with my Arcus P9 bow
Philip Roach, Violin
I bought a P5, and I needed to tell you how much I love it...
Rafaël Jimenez, Violin
...thanks to it I have a lot less tension in my wrist, my right hand technique has improved and I have a much more varied sound palette...
Rainer Lewalter, Bass
I was instantly fascinated by the intelligence of these bows.
Rémi Bouyssière, Bass
...I'm convinced by its lightness and balance,...
Ricardo Cyncynates, Violin
I have owned a number of very fine French and English bows, two Simons, D. Peccatte, Henry, Tomassin, Bazin,...
Richard Heinberg, Violin
These bows are amazing.
Richard Wallace, Viola
...with upper partials having a freedom that is rarely possible with a wooden bow.
Robert Plasberg, Violin
My S7 does everything exactly as I want it.
Robert Tavolieri, Violin
Beautifully made and a joy to use.
Ruth Zeger, Violin
...allowed me to play totally pain free and extended my symphony career by many years.
Salvatore Polifrone, Violin
Sam Vallery, Violin
The handling, sound, response, and weight of the T5 is perfect...
Sarah Brittman, Violin
...essential to improving my tone and musicality.
Sebastian Fetzer, Violin
The first concerts with my P9 (violin) are over and I am absolutely thrilled. The bow offers me so many wonderful things, but above all it makes playing fun. My violin is regularly praised for its sound, and the bow obviously plays a part in this.
Siegfried H. Pöllmann, Violin
Since 2014 I use an -S8- bow and I am still enthusiastic about it.
Sonja Stojanov, Violin
The Arcus C5 is a clear recommendation for all beginners
Stefan Rodescu, Violin
...but with the Arcus I can have both, plus a noble and pure sound in the upper registers and precision in the bass.
Steve Wright, Bass
I did not tell my teacher I had a new bow. He said "Your bass is really opening up nicely". That wasn't it at all - it was the Arcus bow.
Sven Hannes, Cello
The bow is a dream in every respect.
The Alexander String Quartet, Ensembles
...the reduction in physical fatigue afforded by the lighter and stronger sticks is so significant that we find productivity and endurance significantly improved.
Thomas Buffy, Violin
No matter if I play in the studio, at the Jazz club or open air..
Thomas J Boyer, Violin
My Arcus makes me a much better Haydn/Mozart/Beethoven player.
Tim Harris, Bass
The Arcus S9 is now my favorite!
Tomoya Aomori, Bass
The French Arcus S7 bass bow is by far the best bow...
Uli Widmaier, Viola
Playing this bow (P8) is almost an otherworldly experience. The clarity of sound it draws from my viola is incomprehensible.
Ursula Jenni, Violin
I'd never thought that my new S6 would fit so well to my old violin
Ursula Jenni, Violin
I meant to use it as a backup only, but now I play the Arcus all the time.
Valentin Eichler, Viola
...opens many possibilities in modulating the sound, from the finest pp to extreme ff
Vera Paskaleva, Violin
Thank you very much for thinking of us who spend countless hours in the orchestra pit...
Verena Wittmann, Violin
These bows allow me to shape the sound so much better
Vincent de Greef, Violin
It’s like removing a lead cover from the violin.
Volker Beling, Viola chamber music partners say that my not very large French viola sounds much bigger with it.
William Kralick, Violin
I’ve had my Arcus A6 for a while now and I wouldn’t trade it for any other.
Wim van den Heuvel, Violin
...As someone who is very very hard to convince I must say wow
Wolfgang Jacobmeier, Viola
...provides a level of agility that I have never achieved with a wooden bow.